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5個QUT 免費資源! QUT學生一定要知道!

作家相片: Sammy LYNSammy LYN

As a QUT student, you must know what resources are available for you. There are heaps of free services just for QUT students. Make sure you make good use of them before you graduate. Limited Time Only!
QUT free resources

昆士蘭科技大學學生一定要知道的免費學校資源!QUT有超級多資源只有QUT的學生能享受得到,一定要在畢業前好好利用這些學校資源呀! 盡情榨乾QUT吧!




LinkedIn Learning

All QUT students have free access to the courses on LinkedIn which is really helpful for your profile! After you finish the certificate courses on LinkedIn, you can add the badges to your profile. This will help you show your future employers what professional skills you have.
LinkedIn Learning

什麼是 LinkedIn Learning?

LinkedIn Learning 是LinkedIn設計的線上專業技能培養課程,可以認證、加強你原有的知識之外,也可以在Linkedin Learning上學習新的專業技能。

而所有QUT的學生都可以免費去上LInkedIn Learning的線上課程,完成課程之後還可以在LinkedIn的個人首頁上加上證照認證徽章,對你的個人履歷一定是大大的加分!可以讓未來的老闆/潛在的雇主知道你有什麼專業技能,讓你的求職更加順利!



You can submit your resume, cover letter, selection criteria, and even LinkedIn profile for review.
Job Application Review & Feedback


除了履歷之外,還有提供cover letter、selection criteria甚至還有LinkedIn的健檢!Student Support Guild會提供非常詳細的回饋,包括哪裡做得好、哪裡需要加強和如何加強,是一個非常強大的免費資源!

我自己已經使用過了好幾次這個服務,我很喜歡Student Support Guild給我的回饋,我也是用了這個服務得到我在澳洲的第一份正式的part time工作!



QUT provides all students free counselling and clinical services. You can make the appointment online in advance, or there are a few drop-in sessions available every day.
Counselling and Clinical Services





QUT students have free access to Studiosity and get assessment feedback from professionals. The best thing about Stuiosity is they usually provide you feedback within 24 hours.
Assessment Feedback_Studiosity QUT

所有留學生都很需要有人給作業上的建議吧! 每次寫完作業我都好希望有人可以檢查我的文法、單字和作業的結構。這個作業回饋的服務是QUT 2022年才提供的全新免費服務,所有學生都可以免費使用Studiosity,讓專業人士先看過我們的作業後再繳交!Studiosity最放的地方就是它通常會在24小時之內就回覆你作業改進的回饋,這對有很多作業快截止的學生們來說真的是一大福音啊~


QUT 圖書館

QUT Library offers tons of academic resources and databases, which are extremely useful for doing assessments.
QUT library

在寫作業時不可或缺的就是大量的學文章料和資料庫,QUT圖書館提供超多資料給學生盡情使用,強大的搜尋引擎和電子檔案讓寫作業變得比較簡單 (我是說比較啦...),這些學校提供的學書文章和資料庫其實都非常昂貴,但所有學生都可以免費使用和閱讀喔!



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